Mobion App for Music+Location+SNS
Mobion App for Music+Location+SNS

Mobion App for Music+Location+SNS

Mobion App for Music+Location+SNS

Here’s interesting tidbit, an iPhone app to combine Music, Location and Social Networks – where have we seen that before!

Yep.. seems exactly like the Uta Tomo – Music Friend – service launched by KDDI back in 2006! See presentation by Katsuhiro Kozuki to Mobile Monday Tokyo [Eds]

Mobion, a Tokyo-based mobile content and gaming company, is pleased to announce the international release of Mobion Music on Friday May 5 2011, a music discovery and social media iPhone application. Mobion Music is a free download with unlimited music search and recognition in English, Chinese, Korean and many other languages.

The application takes our isolated ‘headphone-on’ iPhone music listening and turns it into a fully social experience by allowing users to connect with people based on shared musical tastes, using the app’s built-in social media functions.

Mobion Music a favorite amongst music lovers; is an iTunes #1 FREE and Music Category application in Japan boasting over 500,000 downloads in the first three weeks of release. For the first time, this application has been localised and released in Singapore.

Among music identification, artist information, YouTube playlist creation, and a host of features with many on their way, the app geo-tags music plays and displays them graphically on a map, allowing users to see who around them is listening to what, and to use the social functions to instantly connect with fellow fans. Via AsiaOne.