Toyota Social App Awards
The Toyota Social App Award @toyota_appaward competition entry deadline has been extended to May 13th, details here
Looking at the distribution partners: Mixi, Gree, Mobage and Yahoo! Japan, the winners – to be announced on June 21st – will likely gain more than ‘just’ the $10k cash prize. There are three awards up for grabs: PC, Smartphone and mobile (feature) phone categories, see all the details, including sign-up form, in English Here. They even have dancing girls to cheer you on in this Special section.. Start Your Engines! [Eds]

How it works — A Project Plan Will Do
We are seeking social applications that raise interest in cars and make our car life more entertaining.
Any idea is welcome if it’s got something to do with automobiles
We do not restrict how the cars are used in the applications. But we do not accept projects that are offensive to public order and morals, encourage crimes and are instrumental in other brands’ promotions.
You can select the platform
Our partner platforms include aima, GREE, mixi, Mobagee Town, hangame, Yahoo Mobagee, Yahoo Appli.
You decide which platform you’d like to release your application. We have three awards for PC, Smartphone and mobile phone categories. You can also pick one of these categories.
Application Description:
We accept ideas on applications that can be run on PC, mobile phone and smartphone. However, we do not accept stand-alone applications such as Java and BREW and console games for mobile phone and smartphone categories.
– Expressiveness in interest in and the aha experience about cars
– Novelty of the application
– Uniqueness of the application
– Fun and interestingness of the application
– Feasibility of the application development
In addition to the cash prize for the Best Project Award, there’s possibility you may receive the development support fund. We have various options to complete your development of the application from our partner platforms and sponsor. The project has to be that of a social application. A brilliant project may receive not only the prize money but also a development fund from Toyota.