DoCoMo at CommunicAsia 2010
DoCoMo at CommunicAsia 2010 Exhibition – Details in Eng: We look forward to see you there as well..!!
DoCoMo at CommunicAsia 2010 Exhibition – Details in Eng: We look forward to see you there as well..!!
According to the Asahi, i-mobile recorded an avg. of +200M daily requests in May for just over 7B impressions in total – JPN:
RIM is rolling their Blackberry App World for the Japan market as of today! Details in JPN –
Considering the market penetration of Opera in Japan and vast amount of mobile Flash driven offering here.. not much of a surprise. Without getting too deep into a predictable flame war, it is ‘interesting’ that Apple opposes the ubiquitous Adobe product supposedly based on their aversion to it being a proprietary standard.. when in-effect they are clearly “guilty” of that approach in many ways as well. Perhaps the real issue would have something more to-do with the fact that Flash would potentially crack open wider access to transactions beyond the current closed App Store money machine.. so until then you have the distant dream of html 5.
As announced last spring, 3 major players in the handset business are finally – officially – coming together under one roof, Eng:
We’re off to the GSMA Mobile Money Summit in Rio de Janerio – Cya @MoMo event on May 24th!