Year: <span>2009</span>
Year: 2009

Japan Telecom at ITU World 2009

ITU World 2009 runs again this year, Oct. 5 – 9 in Geneva, with 18 Japanese Telecom leaders on-hand to discuss ICTs for economic growth. With its focus on development opportunities, the event brings together corporate social responsibility and displays cases of best practices. As always it looks to be a fantastic high-level gathering and we hope to be there!

Au One Mobile Health Portal

Mediba has launched the Au One Health mobile portal which includes; medical symtoms Q&A, Dr. office, hospital and drug store locations along with health insurance details, physical fitness and healthy cooking tips. According to the announcement over 150,000 locations are searchable in the database, including dentists, with over 10,000 over the counter items listed as well.