Mobile Marketing for the 21st Century
Our research partners over at Infinita have just pulled the wraps off a new report focused on mobile advertising and marketing in Japan. As usual the materials are detailed and informative and nearly as deep as the niche itself. If you’re at all interested in this important segment then we suggest a review of (at very least) the free sample — details here — would most certainly be time well spent.

As stated on page one of the executive summary:
Considering how media usage is developing in Japan, there is still clearly a disconnect between advertising spendings on traditional media and mobile. Between 2000 and 2006, the share of time that consumers spend on mobile (relative to all forms of media) has increased four-fold to 4%, but mobile-related expenditures still only account for 1% of all advertising spendings. 25% of Japanese mobile data users today respond to mobile campaigns and actually sign up for promotions or make purchases as a result. Close to another third click on ads, but do not participate in promotional offers.
Thus, there is no question that mobile advertising will continue to gain in significance in Japan – a market where more than 4 in 5 of a total 100 million mobile subscribers use mobile data services. Which factors have contributed to where we stand today, what are the forces driving the industry at the moment, and which challenges and opportunities does the market face in the coming years? Taking Japan as an example of an advanced mobile society, what developments can be expected in other markets, which are fast catching up technologically and with regard to user adoption?
Congrats to the ‘crew in Harajuku’ for putting this report together.. great job guys..
[disclaimer: Mobikyo is a listed source on the Acknowledgements pg. 6 — Eds.]