MoMoTokyo: Next-gen Networks & Services

We’re thrilled to announce the next MoMo Tokyo event, 22 October at the fabulous Designing Studio, will feature presentations from Dr. Hitomi Murakami, former executive director and principal research engineer at KDDI’s R&D labs, and Tomi Ahonen, best-selling author and strategy consultant for digital convergence and advanced mobile telecoms. Both gentlemen are long-time industry insiders and the evening promises to be extremely informative and very well-attended.
After a hard-earned summer break, we are back in the Dohyo and ready to push around any big guys who get in the way! Many thanks to all who attended our Massive Mobile Mix at Wireless Japan in July and to those who took a moment to submit feedback via our Call-to-Action form in September. We had a great time at the Global Summit in Finland and Russia last month – see the full trip report here – and are pumped-up and ready to roll into our fourth year of running MobileMonday Tokyo.
Fee: ¥1,000 with advance registration — OR — ¥2,000 at the door. We look forward to see you there!