Maintain Your Molars with Your Mobile
Maintain Your Molars with Your Mobile

Maintain Your Molars with Your Mobile

Maintain Your Molars with Your Mobile

Nobody likes going to the dentist, but there have been a couple of dental-related mobile services recently released in Japan that make the whole ordeal that bit less painful. First is Let’s go to the dentist!, a mobile dentist search. Not only can you search and find dental clinics all over Japan, you can also search for specialist dentists and view their locations on a map. After your visit, you can write a review of the whole ordeal to receive points which you can swap for goods or redeem as cashback on your next visit.

If you happen to have your own dental practice, Pocket Reserver by Nakatsu is the service for you. Pocket Reserver is all you need to mobilise your clinic – the system allows patients to search for free appointments and book from their mobile then automatically sends reminder and thank you messages. The basic system costs only 999 yen (£5) a month. Bargain!

By Jan Kuczynski, an analyst at Wireless World Forum