Year: <span>2003</span>
Year: 2003

Who Will Take the i-mode Lead in Europe?

Conrad Yiu, director of development at London-based Carbon Partners, a mobile content developer, said last week that the difficulty with using the wireless Internet as a marketing and promotion platform is the grey area mobile marketing and mobile consumer services crossover. He agreed that, even in Europe, or at least the UK, mobile users should be willing to pay for “marketing messages” that are fun and cool. “That is the holy grail for the brand or media owner. I guess the same idea of US college kids who wear their sweatshirts with the college name on it,” he added.

Electronics Makers Lead the Charge in Quest for Longer Battery Life

But trouble is looming for the battery world. While lithium-ion batteries represent today’s cutting edge, the gadgetry that depends on them is advancing more quickly than the power technology. As mobile devices take on richer features, battery life has become a key issue for gadget developers, and now manufacturers need to go one better than lithium-ion, in both size and energy output.

Sprint Sanyo vs. DoCoMo Panasonic: Another Disappointed Returnee

WWJ sr. contributing editor Michael Thuresson, recently returned to Los Angeles to join the LA Business Journal editorial staff, sent in a user-level review of his new Sanyo handset that he uses on the Sprint network: The faceplate looks almost exactly like my old i-appli Panasonic DoCoMo model, but the thing is three times as thick and it is much heavier. This makes it hard to tuck the phone in my front shirt pocket – the left side of my shirt is tugged down by the weight. Based on my experience of trying to download ring tones, I have to say Sprint’s user interface is disappointing.

DoCoMo Adds Flash to Phones

Japanese cell phone giant NTT DoCoMo will become the first phone carrier to offer services based on Macromedia’s Flash animation player, Macromedia is set to announce Monday. Flash is one of the most commonly used PC applications, installed on more than 98 percent of PCs worldwide to serve up everything from animated Web ads to homemade cartoons.

Mobile Phone Industry in a Spot

Tens of billions of dollars are riding on the future of fast, mobile Internet services, but industry leaders leaving the world’s top wireless trade show still struggle to justify the investment. At the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes, the 28,000 visitors as usual overloaded the local mobile phone network, underlining that the industry still faces basic problems as it seeks to rekindle sales with advanced data services.