iBarbarian vs. the Galapagos
iBarbarian vs. the Galapagos

iBarbarian vs. the Galapagos

iBarbarian vs. the Galapagos

Clearly two terms that touch raw nerves; the iPhone impact here along with the (r)evolution of mobile in Japan and its position in the global industry. To be fair and balanced – as we have always tried to do – neither, let alone both, of these topics are simple enough to describe in a few thousand words. No doubt several books, or at least master thesis, could dig into these matters in a more meaningful way. At this point we do not have the time or inclination to pursue either path, suffice to say we respect all parties opinions and consider the facts to fall somewhere between competing extremes.. typical.

Perhaps during the dog-days of August we’ll attempt to address these worthy topics.

Meanwhile, in the sweltering heat of downtown Tokyo we thought a little humor was in order instead.. “A Pointed Stick Eh..!!”