SoftBank Mobile White Plan Exceeds 11M
SoftBank Mobile White Plan Exceeds 11M

SoftBank Mobile White Plan Exceeds 11M

SoftBank Mobile White Plan Exceeds 11M

SoftBank Mobile announced that the number of applications for thier popular White Plan has exceeded 11 million on February 8, 2008. The achievement comes approximately a month and a half after surpassing the 10 million mark on December 22, 2007. As a discount service for White Plan customers, SBM introduced Double White and White Plan Family Discount 24 which have also been well received by customers.

White Plan is a simple price plan with a basic monthly charge of 980 yen. It offers free domestic voice calls between SoftBank handsets from 1:00 to 21:00, and for domestic voice calls other than those it offers a tariff of 21 yen/30 sec. In addition, messaging between SoftBank 3G handsets is free of charge.

The number of applications for ‘Double White’ exceeded 3.68 million of even date, and this number is growing smoothly. Double White is the service which provides 50% off domestic call tariff of 10.5 yen/30 sec (incl. tax) with a basic monthly charge of 980 yen (incl. tax) and offers 50% off domestic Video Call and 64K Digital Data Communication tariff of 18.9 yen/30 sec (incl. tax). In addition, White Plan Family Discount 24 is also available as a family discount service of White Plan. This service offers free domestic voice calls between family members for 24 hours, which will make the use of SBM services even more convenient to those family members.