Study: Mobile Subscribers More Loyal
Study: Mobile Subscribers More Loyal

Study: Mobile Subscribers More Loyal

Study: Mobile Subscribers More Loyal

According to this press release, a new paper written by Prof. Philip Sugai and Prof. Donghun Kim, both professors at the International University of Japan, consumers to mobile content are more loyal to those sites than subscribers to the same content accessed through the Internet. This research surveyed more than 400 PC and mobile phone subscribers in Japan, and tested their loyalty by finding out how much they would be willing to pay to remain loyal to their current mobile or PC content sites in light of a series of other competing offers.

In their new paper, entitled “Consumer Loyalty and Willingness to Pay for Service Attributes Across Digital Channels: A Study of the Japanese Digital Content Market,” they explored the dynamics of consumer loyalty to both free and subscription-based content across both the PC and mobile internet. The loyalty of subscribers to both free content and services such as Yahoo! Japan and subscription-based content such as Disney were each studied, with results clearly showing the power of the mobile platform versus the PC for both. More details via MoCobe.