McDonald's Using QR Codes
McDonald's Using QR Codes

McDonald's Using QR Codes

McDonald's Using QR Codes

This tid-bit has been around for awhile now, but in case you missed it: “In their ever continuing effort to re-educate the world about the wholesome nutritional value of their produce, McDonald’s have taken a step forward in Japan and applied a clever bit of technology to bring the nutritional label into the 21st century. Each burger now comes equipped with its own QR code printed on the wrapper which navigates you to an online site where you can see the amount of calories and fat you are consuming.” Information is available both for individual items and full-meal deals.

Scanning the QR code on any of 19 sandwiches, eight sides and five salads brings up a URL, which will take customers to the nutritional information for the food they are eating. Customers will be able to view the amount of calories in their meal, as well as the amount of sodium, fat, protein and carbs. Information is available both for individual items and meals. Customers can also find out about allergy information (though it might be a little too late by the time you’ve already purchased your meal).

The interesting point is that Denso Waves’ QR technology does not require a license fee to generate the codes, so even McD’s can make use of the popular (read: widely enabled and understood) system at no cost Nice.

Via: Cell-Suite and CalorieLab