More Internet Users Mobile than Wired in Japan
More Internet Users Mobile than Wired in Japan

More Internet Users Mobile than Wired in Japan

More Internet Users Mobile than Wired in Japan

The number of Internet users in Japan accessing from cellphones exceeded those using it from personal computers in 2005, according to a government report published Tuesday. At the end of the year there were 69.2 million people using the Internet from mobile devices, compared to 66 million conventional PC users, the Ministry of Information and Communications’ annual “Information and Communications in Japan” white paper said.

Of these two user groups, 48.6 million use both a mobile device and a conventional PC, it said, giving Japan a total Internet population of 85.3 million users. That’s equivalent to two in every three people in the country.[We’d like to dig a little deeper into this one as the carriers official number of web enabled cellphones in Japan as of May 31st is actually 80.5 million — Eds]

Full article here.