RFID Tagged Students
RFID Tagged Students

RFID Tagged Students

RFID Tagged Students

In December, Furuedai Junior High School in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture introduced an RFID system. 160 of the 298 students at the school are wearing namebadges [.jpg image]. The objective of this system is to make the school safe. If a person who doesn’t have a legitimate RFID tag comes in through a school gate, the system notifies teachers and a surveillance camera starts recording the areas.

A student commented “I don’t really like it ’cause I feel like I’m under surveillance but my parents will have peace of mind.” And.. her mother hopes this system can stop bad guys coming into school. I think the student is quite keen. Perhaps this system is more about peace of mind than safety. Via RFID Japan; Original Source: Asahi.com