Info Plant's Paid Mobile Site Survey
Info Plant's Paid Mobile Site Survey

Info Plant's Paid Mobile Site Survey

Info Plant's Paid Mobile Site Survey

Online market researcher Info Plant has announced the results of a survey of 6,366 men and women on how people use paid mobile sites. The company conducted the survey from December 23 to January 3. When asked about how many paid sites they have used, 24.8% of the respondents answered “one”, followed by “two” (17.8%) and “three” (16.2%). By gender, more women than men have paid for mobile sites (80.0% vs. 74.6%). By age, about 80% of the men in their 20s and the women in their 20s to 40s have paid for a mobile site.  

When asked about what kind of paid site they have accessed, 44.1% replied “ring tones”, followed by “games” (32.8%), “music, movies and entertainment” (27.4%), and “Chaku-uta ring songs” (22.6%). By gender, both men and women named “ring tones” most (40.1% and 46.4%, respectively). Among men, “games” and “Chaku-uta” followed (37.3% and 20.6%, respectively), while “music, movies and entertainment” (31.6%) and “games” (30.2%) were the second and third choices for women. Continue