i-ModeRS Like Ring Melody, Wallpaper Data Most
i-ModeRS Like Ring Melody, Wallpaper Data Most

i-ModeRS Like Ring Melody, Wallpaper Data Most

i-ModeRS Like Ring Melody, Wallpaper Data Most

Infoplant Co., Ltd., an Internet research company, said DoCoMo’s i-mode users mostly bookmark and view sites that provide ring melodies and wallpaper images, and least favor mobile banking and trading sites. Infoplant conducted a survey from Feb. 24 to March 3, 2003 on the usage of Internet sites registered under the i-menu.

According to the survey, 95.5% of the respondents bookmark their favorite sites in the “My Menu” section of the i-menu. Among those bookmarked, the most favorite destination sites are ring melody data and wallpaper image data. CONTINUE

COMMENTARY: The survey found that ring tone and wallpaper sites were accessed very often by 73.1% of respondents. News and weather sites were second (29%), while mobile banking and trading sites came is at 5.1%. 36,666 i-mode users answered the survey. It’s worth accessing the original story to see the table of results by age and gender. Looks like things haven’t changed much since the first few months of i-mode – back in 1999!